Tactical for the Terrestrial 01, 105 x 80 cm

Tactical for the Terrestrial 01

Tactical for the Terrestrial 03, 105 x 80 cm

Tactical for the Terrestrial 02 & Tactical for the Terrestrial 03

Tactical for the Terrestrial 05 - 07

Tactical for the Terrestrial 05 - 07
Tactical for the Terrestrial
Archival prints on transparent foil, grommets, carabiners, tactical rope, 2022
Archival prints on transparent foil, grommets, carabiners, tactical rope, 2022
The photographic series Tactical for the Terrestrial relies on birch forests as symbols of altruism. In a departure from survivalist YouTube videos focusing on a lone man drilling or cutting trees for sap, Tactical for the Terrestrial depicts interspecies suckling mediated by the outdoor hydration staple Camelbaks. Tubing wraps around the aboreal and corporeal, its form joining and mirroring human and tree.
Subverting militarized, survivalist aesthetics, Tactical for the Terrestrial incorporates grommets, carabiners and outdoor rope to suspend and weight the ethereal, nebulous, transparent prints. Projections multiply and enlarge the image, fracturing perceptions of a ghostly forest. When layered, the photographs collapse time and space; a human form appears to move through the trees although the images are static. As the viewer moves, the image changes as well. Multiple overlapping prints and projections create an almost lenticular effect.